admin's blog

Voice is an active, physical thing in oral poetry. It needs a speaker and a listener, a performer and an audience. It is a bodily creation that thrives in live connection. The voice is the mechanism by which a "poet's voice" comes alive. Reciting a poem aloud the reciter comes to understand and then to be the 'voice' of the poem.
Voice is an active, physical thing in oral poetry. It needs a speaker and a listener, a performer and an audience. It is a bodily creation that thrives in live connection. The voice is the mechanism by which a "poet's voice" comes alive. Reciting a poem aloud the reciter comes to understand and then to be the 'voice' of the poem.

Voice is an active, physical thing in oral poetry. It needs a speaker and a listener, a performer and an audience. It is a bodily creation that thrives in live connection. The voice is the mechanism by which a "poet's voice" comes alive. Reciting a poem aloud the reciter comes to understand and then to be the 'voice' of the poem. As poetry is a vocal art, the speaker brings their own experience to it, changing it according to their own sensibilities, intonation, the matter of sound making sense; controlled through pitch and stress, poems are full of invisible italicized contrasts. Reading poetry aloud also makes clear the "pause" as an element of poetry.

"The hearing knowledge we bring to a line if poetry is a knowledge of patterns of speech we have known since we were infants." Every speaker intuitively course through manipulations of sounds, almost as if we sing to each other all day. Even after three millennia of writing, poetry retains its appeal to the ear, the silent reading eye thereof, thereafter, hears what it is seeing. Sound that was imagined through the eye gradually gave body to poems in performance.

A public reading is typically given on a small stage in a café or bookstore, although reading by prominent poets frequently are booked into larger venues such as amphitheaters and college auditoriums, to 'to take poetry public'.

Poetry readings almost always involve poets reading their own work or reciting it from memory but readings often involve several readers (often called "featured poets" or "featureds"), although normally one poet is chosen as a "headliner".

Note: Before performing update, please back up your files and database first.


Auto-update is all about clicking a button in admin area and entering your FTP details. We hope to make this feature run smooth on all possible server setups.

Manual update

If autoupdate can't be applied you can try manual core update.

  1. Download Oxwall Update Pack at;
  2. Unpack it to the root folder of your software install;
  3. Finalize update by calling
Note: All custom code modifications made before the update will be lost. We highly recommend changing the code by creating new plugins. If, indeed, you have changed the code, copy all changes before the update and apply them again once the script is updated.Plugin update

Plugin update works pretty much as core update with possible auto- and manual updates. You should try auto-updates unless manual update recommended. Always read release notes from developers for special instructions before trying to update plugins.

Manual Update
  1. Download the latest plugin's version from Oxwall Store;
  2. Unpack plugin's archive;
  3. Upload unpacked plugin's folder into ow_plugins/ directory (overwrite existing old plugin);
  4. Login to Admin Panel and click “Update PLugin DB” button;
Theme update

Currently, theme can be updated manually only. To update theme, follow these steps:

  1. Besure that constant DEV_MODE is disabled in ow_includes/config.php file;
  2. Download your current theme from our store;
  3. Upload this theme to your site to ow_themes folder (overwrite existing theme);
  4. After uploading was complete, enable DEV_MODE in ow_includes/config.php file;
  5. Press F5 on any page of your site and disable DEV_MODE
